My Life Journey At 50 Plus

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This article gives you a bit more information about me and my life journey at 50 plus. I went through various stages of transition and transformation. I grew up in Italy, and as a young and curious woman, I was keen to make new experiences, learn languages, immerse myself in new cultures and meeting new people.

I spent many years studying and working abroad, exploring new environments and taking on challenges that my local reality and background would have never allowed me to do due to conservative cultural patterns.

Michela Fantinel Life Coach @ Magic Fifty

Growing my personal skills and embracing corporate life

After finishing my education and gathering my first work experience, I chose to follow my intuition: at the age of 28, I felt trapped in my local work-life. Instead of succumbing to the smallness, I went down a less conventional path that matched my inner voice and aspiration.

I followed my calling and embarked on a different life journey that honoured my values and my worthiness.

It was not easy, and I did not take it lightly, as my parents were not so happy. But inside me, I knew I had to be firm and stick to my choice. I started visualising my future and seeing myself in a completely different work scenario where I could learn and thrive. So I decided to leave Italy to create a new life chapter in Germany. At first, I accepted a lower position to change jobs every 2-3 years and build my career to become a successful sales and project manager.

I loved working for various companies and enjoyed all the experiences, but after 12 years, a mid-life crisis hit me, and with 39, I felt like time had come for clarity about what I wanted in life and what to do next. In 2004 I left my job in Munich to set off and go on a sabbatical time. And one that turned to be a stepping stone in my adventurous life journey transforming myself.

Life Path Changes Through a Career Break and a Sabbatical

In 2004 at the age of 39, I went on my first backpacking Solo Trip around Australia. A life-changing experience that taught me many lessons about myself and my life. I learned that I’m more capable of what I had ever imagined. It brought clarity into my life. I cleaned my body from mental chatter that did not serve me anymore; I focussed on my abilities to cope with the unknown and unexpected situations, and I could see clearer.

I knew what motivated me and what I wanted, and many things that I couldn’t see before became visible. This trip and the discoveries it brought to me contributed to boosting my self-confidence. But I was not ready yet for the big move. I happily accepted a new work challenge in Italy as a sales and project manager when I returned. Anyhow, I knew that this had ignited a more thoughtful life transformation that had yet to come.

Taking a leap of faith to transform my life

Four years later, I finally felt mature and ready for a significant change and catapulted myself into the realm of self-employment. That was when I decided to set up my first consultancy business. And soon after that, I created an online website about Australia, Rocky Travel for women travelling solo. It has been a long journey and indeed a rocky ride with many highs and downs.

I went through all various stages, from peak performance and high excitement to disappointments, failures and setbacks. I know what it takes to go through the valley of challenges and transformation, filled with consistent learning, fulfilling life events and rewards.

Covid triggered a different kind of journey

In 2020 I realised that time had come for me to dive deep into a different kind of life journey. Embracing my fears, seeing and accepting my blocks, and becoming aware that being prepared to deal with more underlying worries is the way to eradicate deep-rooted feelings that do not serve me.

When COVID swept my business away, it opened up to a new scenario, and for me, it truly felt like a blessing in disguise. Everything came to the surface: those emotional ties I had been feeling for a long time, the thoughts manifested in an even stronger way, and it became clear to me that I had to dismantle that self-made narrative. While those thoughts protected me and kept me in my comfort zone, they no longer served me.

I was finally ready to move past them. It was a big HaHa moment, indeed.

Trying to hide them and not being accepting them was not the solution. I knew my fears were holding me back, but I thought I could do everything anyhow. The answer was simple: I could live through them, process them and flip their energy to serve me. I had to learn how to deal with them by accepting those ties holding me back from thriving as a person and as a businesswoman.

Embracing change and a new life journey at 50

So I started a long journey, a different kind of journey, this time. I was not travelling overseas and crisscrossing Australia on a solo adventure. This time was an inner-game journey, searching for answers and trying to unlock me across my deepest self. I embraced those steps that helped me become familiar with what I had been avoiding for a long time. To make me feel good enough and always feel good. To stop feeling shame, to stop competing with myself and others.

It was a big eye-opener for me. I embraced my mental block, my fear of not being good enough to elevate myself. For a long time, I felt like I had my foot on the brake and one foot on the gas pedal and tried to go faster by pushing the gas pedal.

It does not work that way, but before undertaking my journey, I couldn’t see clearly. After that, I soon realised that to speed up, and I just needed to take the foot off the break. Becoming friends with your negative feelings is a considerable achievement. Without fear and judgment, without beating myself up.

By acknowledging the different versions of my reality, I could get more clarity in my life.

I learned to focus on the process and do all it takes towards my goal while feeling relaxed and not clinging to the outcome. On the contrary, feeling over-motivated and obsessed with performance made me move away from my destination rather than getting close to it. It may sound like a paradox, but often counter-intuitive steps lead to success in life.

What is coaching and what it brought to me

Coaching has become very popular lately, but not many people know what coaching exactly is. It’s not about teaching or advising someone on what to do next. It is more about deep listening, asking the right question to uncover hidden fears and blocks. It’s about envisioning others’ future goals by guiding them through the life journey as if you were a guide.

I decided to embrace this life path because I felt called to it. After all, it is my second nature.

I remember having helped friends, family members and co-workers and clients through difficult situations where I could shed light on the dark areas of events and happenings.

Coaching has opened up a world of new opportunities not only personally but also from the professional environment. I know what it takes to create the life you want after 50. And I can help you with that.

How can coaching help you transform your life?

Becoming a life coach has been the best gift I could ever receive. I have gone through intensive training where I coached and have been coached for several months besides learning various skills. I made enormous improvements as a person, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the experience. Coaching works if you are fully open to embrace change and step outside your comfort zone.

If you feel stuck in your life now and want to move on, you can schedule a Clarity Coaching Session of 30 minutes with me. I am confident that coaching can help you too, so I invite you to give it a go. Take action now!

You can also check out all my Magic Fifty Coaching Programs.

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